Tried and true

Terms and agreement

XPOS uses cookies

XPOS uses cookies to store information in you web browser. XPOS can not function without cookies, and by using XPOS you are making an active choice to approve the use of cookies by XPOS. XPOS uses cookies for:

  • Saving log-in information so that you will be automaticly logged in
  • Storing the chosen language
  • Storing a session id for holding temporary session data on the server

Outside of XPOS, XPOS is using some Google services that will produce cookies for usage statistics. If you have any questions about this, please contact us for more information.

Responsability for data

XPOS AB and the manufacturers using XPOS can not be held responsible for any mistakes in the processing of requests due to data incorrectly supplied by you. Please ensure that all data are correct before submitting ANY requests to XPOS. By clicking the submit button in XPOS forms, you agree to these terms and the other Terms as specified in the Service Agreement between you and the manufacturer or their partners and/or affiliates.

Responsabilities XPOS AB to manufacturer

This is goverend by the ASP 06 standard agreement, that can be downloaded below.
